We offer intermodal and conventional Rail connections across Europe and the Middle East.
- We offer a variety of intermodal services based on the customer requirements.
- We provide the necessary standard and specialized equipment.
- Transportation of dangerous goods in line with ADR/IMO regulations.
- Rail Intermodal Services are based on transport liability in accordance with CMR Convention.
Block trains are full train solutions for customers, linking 2 rail ports. The customer has the entire capacity of the train. The capacity of the train depends on the route and the container sizes.SingleContainer
Dedicated trains between rail ports, consolidating containers from various customers. The capacity of those trains depend on the route and the container sizes.RailPort
We provide rail port services in various points in Europe. The rail ports are dedicated terminals which are owned or fully operated by the partners. Services offered are customs clearance, cross dock, collection/distribution, container repari services, etc. The terminals utlized today are in Sindos Greece, Lambach Austria, Streda Dunajska, Czech Republic and Sopron, Hungary.
Conventional rail transports are based on block train principals and for goods which can not be transported within the intermodal product offering.